Aquamarine Look Of the Day

I was supposed to get this look up yesterday, but if you have been following my stories, you know – I had some MAJOR (and oh-so expensive 🥵) upgrades to do on my Macbook and graphics software that took a bit longer than anticipated. It’s a big pill to swallow when you have to drop a large chunk of change on computer updates – but this is my job, and I LOVE creating graphics for you guys! It had gotten to the point where updates were unavoidable, and very necessary to keep working. So I bit the bullet, and I FINALLY got it all done – and was able to get back to editing today! 🥳 Woo-hoo!
I absolutely ADORE this colorful and funky look I put together using bold eyeshadows and a neutral lip. On the eyes, I’m wearing Palm Glitter, Blue, Green and Onyx ShadowSense, along with Pink Berry BlushSense (one of my favorite “shadows”, for sure)! I wish the shadow placement had been a little cleaner, but eh – it’s not always going to be perfect, right? 😜
On my lips, I’m wearing Diva with Watermelon gloss (BOTH color and gloss are scented!) and the results feel, look and smell SO summery! 🥰
I also had fun playing with my hair for this look – so yes, I have pics with it both up and down. Which style do you like more?!